
Director's Message

I wholeheartedly welcome you to Christ Institute of Management, Rajkot - A Centerpiece of Management Schools - dedicated to providing the best management educational opportunities to you who aspire to become an able proactive management professional of tomorrow.

Management education worldwide, especially in India, is going through a crisis as the quality and the employability of the passed out management professionals have gone down drastically. The mushrooming management schools fail to provide the students with relevant education and skills to compete with the global standards. However, challenging the upheavals, Christ Institute of Management is in the forefront of Indian Management Schools, providing the best available faculty and the right environment to groom the managers of tomorrow today in tune with global standards.

Christ Institute of Management places the highest value on comprehensive, professional, and socially-relevant education incorporating curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that enable every student at the institute to acquire skills essential for facing the challenges of life whether personal, family, community or professional. It also fosters and encourages a sense of social responsibility to serve others who are less privileged and sidelined in the society. Thus, the institute, in consonance with its vision and mission, equips the students to become productive and proactive human resources and responsible citizens of the nation.

Perspective students and parents are welcome to browse our website for information. The web site contains important information such as academic requirements, rules and regulations that you need to know and follow in order to be true Christites, details of the staff members, information about the clubs, committees and cells, lists of co-curricular activities to update you each day and a visual glimpse of the institute and of various activities.

I wish you all success in all your academic pursuits, extracurricular undertakings and overall development.

Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Jomon Thommana

Christ Campus, Rajkot